Baza de date „Diacronia” (BDD)

Epistémologie du bon sens commun

Publicația: Annals of „Valahia” University of Târgovişte. Letters Section, IX (2), p. 52
Editura:Valahia University Press
Rezumat:In his book, Le bon sens commun, Björn Larsson sheds a new light over the issue of meaning, trying to show that there is no communication without meaning, nor is there meaning without communication. The formation of common meaning, intersubjectively constructed, cognizable and communicable ('to communicate' means to put something in common), represents, according to the Swedish linguist, the only solid reference point that makes it possible for language to take on man's coming out of solitude.
Cuvinte-cheie:'le bon sens commun', communication, interaction, intersubjectivity
Limba: franceză

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