Baza de date „Diacronia” (BDD)

Identity and Coherence in the Structure of Postmodernism

Publicația: Journal of Romanian Literary Studies, 3, p. 80-84
Editura:Arhipelag XXI Press
Rezumat:The paper explores how Virgil Nemoianu cuts the dispute with the the extra-aesthetic invasions of literature and the assaults on the canon, considering that great literature is not imposed by ideological norms and dogmas, canonical authors being, on the contrary, authentical, those who do not meet the rules, be them ethical or political, of any age. Or, in the terms of Romanian literary critic Titu Maiorescu, Aesthetics cannot be “held” to assert the claims of the “ethical”. An analysis of major attacks on canonical culture describes conflicting polarities – of East-West, male-female type all invalid, in Nemoianu’s view, since they descend from the dialectics of “suspicion and hatred” derived from Marxism. The purpose of canon analysis is thus an analogy between the “fundamental values of humanity” in the swirls of Postmodernism and the “functions of literature”. The canon and literature contain in their core the same Brownian motion that encompasses the entire Postmodern reality but at the same time, fail to maintain consistency and “indisputable harmony”. This while Literature remains a mediator that tempers the “convulsionsin its environment”, “mirroring and opposing them simultaneously”.
Limba: engleză

Citări la această publicație: 1

0Ștefan VlăduțescuThe interpretation is free or controlledJRLS, 9, 29-342016pdf

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