Baza de date „Diacronia” (BDD)

Câteva observaţii lexicologice la anunţata ediţie a III-a a DEX-ului

Publicația: Studii și cercetări lingvistice, LXI (1), p. 54-69
Editura:Editura Academiei
Rezumat:The article discusses some of the main aspects involved when conceiving a dictionary. It stresses the importance of the semiotic approach and uses the theory of Charles S. Peirce to reflect on the admittance of technical and scientific terms into the dictionary. The collaboration between the semantic and the pragmatic approach when defining a word is examined. Errors which can be found into definitions are attributed to the lack of capacity to form a proper network of interpretants and inferential sceneries (deriving from the theory of Umberto Eco). The transformation of a technical or scientific term into a word, its inclusion into the dictionary and the opposition between the so-called alternative definition and the scientific definition are also discussed. The importance of the scientific elements of the definition (Latin denomination, chemical formulas, etc.) is stressed.
Limba: română

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