Baza de date „Diacronia” (BDD)

L’Exégèse de l’Apocalypse et la redécouverte du «nom ineffable»

Publicația: Text şi discurs religios, IV, Secțiunea Literatura și sacrul, p. 497-506
Editura:Editura Universităţii „Alexandru Ioan Cuza”
Rezumat:Being a pretext for religious, psychosocial and philosophical debates, the Apocalypse was also an object of concerns for the inter-war writer Constantin Fântâneru, known especially as an exegete of Lucian Blaga`s work. The posthumous books, Slujba din hol [Lobby service] (2009) and Călătoria lui Orfeu [Orpheus Travel] (2010), contain - precisely or hazy - symbols with thanatic, mystic and esoteric implications which converge to spiritual redemption. Through an initiation ritual, metaphorically called “abstract painting”, attended by hermeneutic considerations upon some excerpts from The Apocalypse of Saint John, the writer plans to discover the eternal love and “the ineffable name” - a way of knowing the Divinity and of seeing for yourself. Programmatically, the writer sketches a theosophy, the man strives to find the divine deep inside himself, and logos paves the way for revelation, ensuring the transition from contingent to transcendence. A literary interpretation of the apocalyptic symbols elaborates a so-called doctrine, based on some principles of Christian theology.
Limba: franceză

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