Baza de date „Diacronia” (BDD)

Toponimia Văii Vişeului. Clasificare semantică

Publicația: Buletin Științific. Seria A, Fascicula Filologie, XXII, p. 69
Editura:Editura Universității de Nord din Baia Mare
Locul:Baia Mare
Rezumat:[The Toponymy of the Valley of the Vişeu River. Semantic Classification] This study deals with the linguistic analysis of the toponymic data encountered in the Superior Valley of the Vişeu River, more specifically in Borşa and Moisei, Maramureş County. The classification is done according to the semantic criterion, as the toponyms are based either on appellatives, or on proper names. The semantic taxonomy reflects the connection between the lexical compartment of language as a whole, anthroponymy and toponymy. It also mirrors the relationship between human beings and the environment. A preference for certain common terms and semantic fields becomes evident.
Cuvinte-cheie:toponym, appellative, proper name, semantic

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