Baza de date „Diacronia” (BDD)

Greşeli de limbă în română actuală din Basarabia

Publicația: Studii și cercetări lingvistice, LXIII (1), p. 107-120
Editura:Editura Academiei
Rezumat:Language mistakes in today’s Romanian from Bessarabia, together with non-recommended calques, are a very wide-spread phenomenon in the examined linguistic area and, at the same time, a real danger in maintaining the integrity of Romanian spoken over the Prut. Unlike non-recommended calques, which are the result of taking ad litteram certain structures from Russian, the language mistakes identified in the Romanian spoken over the Prut are the consequence of the insufficient knowledge of the particularities of literary Romanian or of ignoring such particularities. In certain cases, the language mistakes are also caused by the Russian influence on Romanian. According to the linguistic field they occur, we identify mistakes related to morphology, syntax, lexicology and phonetics. From this perspective, the most affected field is lexicology, followed by syntax, morphology and phonetics.
Among the most frequent deviations from the literary language (as far as language mistakes are concerned), we have: groundless lexical loans, causeless extension of the combination availabilities of lexical units, artificial creation (innovation) of words, mistranslated words, non-recommended use of Russian stress for words formally close to Romanian, non-recommended gender loans from Russian for some terminology words, language mistakes caused by the insufficient knowledge of Romanian grammar (un-felicitous stress, verb sub-categorisation frame and inappropriate noun use).
In fighting for the reestablishment of Romanian over the Prut, a special role has been taken by linguists, mass-media, cultural figures, but also common people who care about the language evolution and who, by civic and ethnic consciousness, shall contribute to the existence of Romanian in Bessarabia.
Limba: română

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