Baza de date „Diacronia” (BDD)

Aspecte ale analogiei lexico-semantice în limba română. Studiu de caz: pune(re) < lat. Ponere

Publicația: Studii și cercetări lingvistice, LXIII (1), p. 3-15
Editura:Editura Academiei
Rezumat:By means of a case study, this article presents the fundamental role that the inherited words played in configurating the modern literary Romanian.
Using the example of both the Romanian verb a pune and of its extended lexical family, it is shown how the inherited Latin word stock contributed to the development and the diversification of the vocabulary, on the one hand, and how, on the other hand, it represented a repetitive analogical pattern during the process of the entrance, adaptation and formal and semantic accommodation of the neological loan words, direct or indirect ones, from Latin, from the Romance languages or from both of them simultaneously.
Limba: română

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