Baza de date „Diacronia” (BDD)

Diferenţa dintre limită şi ţintă exemplificată prin până (la) şi la, cu aplicaţie la analiza construcţiilor rezultative

Publicația: Studii și cercetări lingvistice, LXVI (1), p. 91-101
Editura:Editura Academiei
Rezumat:[The Limit-Goal Difference Exemplified by până (la) and la. An Application to the Analysis of Resultative Constructions] The paper presents the distributional characteristics of two prepositional phrases (PP) headed by până (la) ‘until’ and la ‘to’ when these PPs express a Limit and a Goal, respectively, in movement contexts. We show that, in fact, these PPs are specialized to a great extent not only in movement events, but in other types of events as well. More precisely, PP-la is used to express verbal arguments in general, while PP-până (la) expresses limits on different participants in an event. If this limitation capacity of PP-până (la) combines with a change of state of a participant, then one gets a resultative construction. This is one of the important means by which Romanian builds such constructions, irrespective of the telic or atelic character of the verbal predicate.

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