Baza de date „Diacronia” (BDD)

Communication and Narrative Strategies in Romanian Short Stories

Publicația: Language and Literature – European Landmarks of Identity, 14, p. 220
Editura:Universitatea din Pitești
Rezumat:The European readers know quite a lot of information about Romanian contemporary fiction, but very little about the one created during the interwar heydays. Several of the most important and interesting Romanian writers belong to this epoch. Authors of famous novels, they also wrote extremely successful short stories dealing with diverse issues. Trying to highlight these Romanian achievments, we comment upon the works of Mircea Eliade and Marin Preda. They wrote attractive and challenging short stories with undoubted mythological and philosophical implications (With the Gypsy Girls, – M. Eliade, The Horse and Meeting the Earth – M. Preda). This paper specifies these aspects besides the staging procedure that emphasizes the foreground and the background of the discourse. This interrelation is a fruitful one for subtle significances, interesting insights into Romanian folklore, myths and specific philosophical aspects related to both writers. The sudden intervention of unexpected events is supported by incident schemes and specific stylistic and narrative strategies. We comment upon prerogative perspective which is important for referential continuity. We also highlight the impersonal vision (Marin Preda) and the diffuse perspective implying temporal compressions, imbrications and contagions (Mircea Eliade). One of the main objectives of this approach is to present historical and cultural activities and influences framing Romanian society and national literary context in addition to local cultural circumstance.
Cuvinte-cheie:narrative, myth, Romanian literature
Limba: engleză

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