Baza de date „Diacronia” (BDD)

Predicatul şi predicaţia în concepţia lui G. Ivănescu

Publicația: Philologica Banatica, VI (2), p. 19-24
Editura:Editura Mirton; Editura Amphora
Rezumat:In the article is debating G. Ivanescu’s concept of types of predicate. G Ivanescu is the follower of logic grammars, based on classic logics, based on Platon and Aristotel philosophy. Thus, he considers that only the noun is a concept itself. The other parts of speech, including the predicate, expresse only aspects of the concept. That’s why the terminology of noun is not concludent for the groups of words that express abstract concepts.
More adequate is the terminology of name/ denomination. As a matter of fact G. Ivanescu proposes other denotations than the usual, for the concept of concret noun, it is preferable the sintagme name/denotation noun and for the abstract noun we have the sintagme name/denotation quality of action, process, etc.
Even if he is rejecting the existence of copula ( copulativ verb), G. Ivanescu supports the distinction between the verbal predicate and the nominal predicate, but also proposes a different terminology: narrative predicate and descriptive predicate and definitive.
Cuvinte-cheie:logică, gramatică, predicaţie, predicat
Limba: română

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