Baza de date „Diacronia” (BDD)

Plastic Arts Terminology in the Writings of Gh. Asachi

Publicația: Philologica Jassyensia, IX (2), p. 67-73
Editura:Institutul de Filologie Română „A. Philippide”
Rezumat:Concerns for inclusion of the “workshop” words from the arts area in dictionaries can be found, in a more systematic form, in the activity of French encyclopaedists. In the Romanian culture, Gheorghe Asachi, Heliade Rădulescu, Andrei Mureşan, Nicolae Filimon, Alexandru Odobescu, etc. have an important role in shaping the arts terminology, in fixing these “technical saying”. Aware of the fact that a truly civilized nation can only be that where the fine arts are cherished and cultivated, Gheorghe Asachi, through this entire journalistic activity, through the efforts to organize the artistic education and create Romanian theatre, can be considered a true Mecena of the national culture. Undoubtedly, the role of Gheorghe Asachi is not just the creation of institutional structures in which the arts should develop and evolve. In an age where plastic or musical chronicles constituted inedited productions, especially the words used by Asachi and his contemporaries in journalism and other writings on art were absolute lexical news that prefigured the theatre, painting or music terminology. The Italian neologisms or those of French origin and together with popular terms are common in the writing of Gheorghe Asachi and represents a lexical reality that deserves to be commented to highlight the major contribution of Gheorghe Asachi in the shaping of arts terminology and modernizing the Romanian literary language.
Cuvinte-cheie:fine arts, terminology, painting
Limba: engleză

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