Baza de date „Diacronia” (BDD)

Programul în limba română al postului de radio 3ZZZ, Melbourne, Australia

Publicația: Philologica Jassyensia, VIII (2), p. 313-318
Editura:Institutul de Filologie Română „A. Philippide”
Rezumat:Radio 3ZZZ, the largest ethnic community station in Australia, is on the air since June 1989. Located at 92.3 FM, 3ZZZ broadcasts 24 hours a day from Fitzroy, Melbourne within the Geelong metropolitan area. Providing services to 400,000 weekly listeners, the station can be heard in Australia, as well as around the world via Internet. The Romanian Radio Group, a team of enthusiasts, believes that cultural diversity means originality and integration. Australians of Romanian origin, we wish to preserve inherited traditions, beliefs, aspirations and previous experiences, as well as transmit our mother tongue and culture to new generations.
3ZZZ station is financed through subscriptions, donations, sponsorship, fundraising events, and special activities such as the annual Radioton. It also receives government funding through the Community Broadcasting Foundation. Subsidized by more than 5,000 financial members belonging to 63 Melbourne ethnic groups, the station’s nearly 400 volunteers are able to broadcast in one of the seventy ethnic languages.
Listen to us on Saturday at 3:00 pm for an hour of news, music and socio-political comments!
Cuvinte-cheie:ethnic, radio, Australia, culture, diversity, experience
Limba: română

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