Baza de date „Diacronia” (BDD)

O lume ca nelumea în scrierile lui M. Eminescu şi I.L. Caragiale

Publicația: Philologica Jassyensia, VIII (2), p. 31-39
Editura:Institutul de Filologie Română „A. Philippide”
Rezumat:Starting from Eminescu’s words in the title, it surprisingly seems to be common speech marks in both two writers’ poietic discourse: Eminescu and Caragiale. These are primarily based on the absurd (ordinary – fantastic respectively), the fascination and the rule of nothingness, the ridiculous (both in Eminescu’s poetry/prose and Caragiale’s prose, as well). However, that consistent attitude to the world is to be found in both authors, expressed by Caragiale in his famous formula “Enormous sight and monstrous sense”, this often being translated in Eminescu’s writings rather in a Swift’s manner. As the characters pass by on the world stage, literally and figuratively, better or worse, they are seen with a pedagogical eye, broadly speaking, i.e. having the deep consciousness of the Artist-demiurge, the creator who always understands the protagonists, watching them with interest and, ultimately, with true compassion, empathy, as in the following interrogative sentence of M. Eminescu, which is almost addressed in Caragiale’s words, ‘In most of the people, however, questions still linger, sometimes funny, sometimes silly, sometimes meaningful, sometimes in vain. When I see a human nose, I always come to wonder, what in the world does thy nose seek in this world? (Archaeus). To such interrogations we try to answer in this paper, without forgetting that the most important thing is eventually the soul, of which Eminescu says, almost obsessively, in the same writing, “a whole theater where its soul, crouched in a corner of the audience, is the only spectator”.
Cuvinte-cheie:unwordly world, the absurd, pedagogical view, actuality, irony
Limba: română

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