“Diacronia” bibliometric database (BDD)

Dicționar explicativ al fitonimelor românești

Publisher:Editura Universității „Lucian Blaga”

Citations to this publication: 19

1Oana Zamfirescu
  • Nomenclatura botanică populară – între lexic structurat și lexic nestructurat
  • Folk botanical nomenclature – between structured and non-structured lexis
Diacronia, 5, A702017pdf.ro
0Radu DrăgulescuAnalysis of the connotative and denotative meanings of the term ”Dragon” (balaur) as it appears in the Romanian phytonymyJRLS, 10, 104-1102017pdf
0Radu DrăgulescuAnalysis of the connotative and denotative meanings of the Romanian term “zmeu” (dragon) as it appears in the Romanian phytonymyJRLS, 11, 85-952017pdf
0Radu DrăgulescuAnalysis of the connotative and denotative meanings of the term „arici” (hedgehog) as it appears in the Romanian phytonymyGIDNI, 4, 51-582017pdf
2Radu DrăgulescuConsiderații lingvistice cu privire la fitonimele românești create cu ajutorul termenului „șarpe”AOU, XXVII (2), 3052016pdf
0Radu DrăgulescuLinguistic considerations on Romanian phytonims created with the Latin originated term “pămînt” (earth)JRLS, 9, 52-642016pdf
1Radu DrăgulescuAnalysis of the Connotative and Denotative Meanings of the Terms Belonging to The Word Family „Dog” as They Are Used in the Romanian PhytonymsStudia UPM, 20, 602016pdf
0Radu DrăgulescuLinguistic considerations on Romanian phytonims created with terms related to the (Holy) CrossCCI, 4, 311-3332016pdf
0Radu DrăgulescuRepresentations of the fire in Romanian phytonymyLDMD, 4, 8-192016pdf
1Florin SterianBibliografia românească de lingvistică (BRL, 57, 2014). Lucrări de lingvistică apărute în țara noastră în cursul anului 2014LR, LXIV (2), 1832015pdf
0Radu DrăgulescuConsideraţii lingvistice cu privire la fitonimele româneşti create cu ajutorul termenului „urs”EITM, 6, 234-2472015pdf
3Radu DrăgulescuLinguistic considerations on Romanian phytonims created with the term „drac” (devil)LDMD, 3, 375-3892015pdf
3Ioan MilicăImaginarul creștin în denumirile populare româneşti de plante (III)LRM, XXIV (5), 1242014pdf
2Ioan MilicăImaginarul creştin în denumirile populare româneşti de plante (I)LRM, XXIV (1), 682014pdf
0Oana ZamfirescuLinguistical motivation in the case of the Romanian folk names given to medicinal lower plantsCCI, 3, 412-4202014pdf
1Oana ZamfirescuThe characteristics of the Romanian common names given to lower plantsRev. Agro. IS, 57 (1), 283-2882014pdf
2Oana ZamfirescuDiatopic, diastratic and diaphasic variation in the Romanian folk names of lower plantsLDMD, 2, 475-4852014pdf
3Ioan MilicăChristian Imagery in Romanian Folk Plant NamesTDR, V, 313-3342013pdf
5Ioan MilicăLumi discursive
Studii de lingvistică aplicată
Editura Junimea2013html

References in this publication: 0

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