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Representations of the fire in Romanian phytonymy

Publication: The Proceedings of the International Conference Literature, Discourse and Multicultural Dialogue. Section: Language and Discourse, 4, p. 8-19
Editors:Iulian Boldea
Publisher:Arhipelag XXI Press
Abstract:Our paper demonstrates the Latin origins of the Romanian language and Latin originated terms spread through the botanical terminology, a phenomenon which, as considered by E. Coşeriu is not enough highlighted (given that the individual speaker became creator of language / poetry whenever he named a flower. We identify and analyze the phytonyms composed using the Latin originated term “foc” (fire) and its corespondences ans their implications in the respective language structures. The conclusion of our work is that once known, botanical lexicon of a specific region is not only a thesaurus but also a document of the resident population and places of the past. Botanical popular terminology has primarily a practical value, designating, distinguishing and categorizing elements of the plant kingdom within the given natural reign, but also has a high theoretical significance, especially for linguists, both by the ethimons to which they send back and by the metaphorical meanings the phytonims mostly have.
Key words:Romanian phytonyms, conotation, denotation, latinity, etnobothany, focus
Language: Romanian

Citations to this publication: 0

References in this publication: 9

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