Baza de date „Diacronia” (BDD)

Contribuţii la studiul structurilor fonetico-fonologice consonantice compuse (în baza materialului limbilor română şi engleză)

Publicația: Lucrările celui de-al șaselea Simpozion Internațional de Lingvistică, București, 29-30 mai 2015, Secțiunea Dialectologie. Geolingvistică. Onomastică. Fonetică, p. 75-85
Editori:Maria Stanciu Istrate, Daniela Răuțu
Editura:Editura Univers Enciclopedic Gold
Rezumat:[Contributions to studies on phonetic and phonological consonantic compound structures (based on the material from Romanian and English languages)]
Pronunciation (phonetics and phonology) is the most important language compartment. Speech sounds and language phonemes may be characterised by articulation (vowels and consonants) and structure (simple and compound). The system of Romanian and English compound consonantic monophonemic units is represented by affricates. These units provoke controversies among researches as far as there is no unique opinion regarding their phonetic nature and phonological status, as well as their number in this or that lanuage. In this context, the given issues are examined both theoretically and experimentally.
Cuvinte-cheie:phonetics, phonology, sound, phoneme, complex monophonemic unit, affricate

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