Baza de date „Diacronia” (BDD)

Între Homo legens şi Homo fictus (note despre cititorul perioadei ceauşiste)

Publicația: Analele Universității din București. Limba și literatura română, LXI, p. 113-124
Editura:Editura Universității din Bucureşti
Rezumat:Between june 1970 and december 1971, the Romanian cultural review „România Literară” has published a series of interviews with „common readers” (workers from factories or power stations, engineers, librarians etc.) in order to demonstrate not only that Romanians were well-read people, but also that the communist rulers had reached their aim of creating a New Man, one that could challenge the so-called Homo Universalis of the Renaissance.
Analysed nowadays, these pages show how absurd this homo legens invented by communist propaganda actually was. And they also prove how dangerous reading was considered, since the officials were continously searching ways of controlling it and monitoring its practices.
The fake portrait of the Romanian common reader as a sort of champion or hero of the public sphere acquires several distinct significances when related to the political tensions of the ’70s (it is the year of V. I Lenin centenary, but also the year preceding the “theses” from July 1971, when Ceauşescu’s regime would turn to the Jdanov pattern of the socialist realism). In other words, this was the moment of truth, when all the small liberties granted to the intellectuals in the mid-60’s, would prove nothing else but castles of playing cards, maneuvers skillfully dissimulated with the aim of achieving complete power. Even if this yaw of Ceauşescu’s dictatorship to an epigonic Stalinism, towards the bridge of the hilarious, did not have consequences similar to those in the 50’s, yet the Romanian culture has been once more detoured from its normal evolution.
Cuvinte-cheie:reading, ideology, totalitarianism, print culture, propaganda, national-communism, interview, writers, Ceauşescu, banned and censored books, mass culture, homo legens, homo fictus, library, reader, oppression, persuasion, fragmentary mentality, dictatorship, editions, publishing houses, memory
Limba: română

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