Baza de date „Diacronia” (BDD)

În jurul surselor folosite de Dosoftei în Viaţa şi petreacerea svinţilor

Publicația: Limba română, LXIII (3), p. 419
Editura:Editura Academiei
Rezumat:The main sources of Dosoftei’s translation of The Lives of the Saints (1682–1686) have already been identified by the researchers in the field. There are though some remaining problems which I partially try to solve in this study: the matter of the relationship between the Greek Menaion and modern Greek version from the Synaxarion of Maximos Margunios, these two sources being used for the major part of Dosoftei’s hagiographic collection; the finding of previously unknown sources (a second edition of the Russian Prologue, Agapios Landos’ New Paradise, The Lives of the Saints of Piotr Skarga, the Chronica of Johannes Nauclerus and the Revelations of St. Bridget); a better identification of the sources used by Dosoftei, especially from the hagiographic collections written by Agapios Landos; the identification of the slavonic sources of the Dosoftei’s collection; and, last but not least, the way this sources were transformed (sometimes compressed or even summarized, sometimes enriched with new elements).
  • Dosoftei, culegere hagiografică, proloage, minei, vieţile sfinţilor
  • Dosoftei, hagiographic collection, prologues, menaion, lives of Saints
Limba: română

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