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L’objet interne en roumain: description, évolution et comparaison entre les langues romanes

Publication: Actas del XXVI Congreso Internacional de Lingüística y Filología Románica (València, 6–11 de septembre de 2010), II, p. 147
Editors:Emili Casanova Herrero, Cesáreo Calvo Rigual
Publisher:De Gruyter Mouton

Citations to this publication: 5

References in this publication: 6

30Adam LedgewayGrammatica diacronica del napoletano
(Beihefte zur Zeitschrift für romanische Philologie, Band 350)
Max Niemeyer Verlag2009html
178Constantin FrâncuGramatica limbii române vechi (1521-1780)Casa Editorială „Demiurg”2009
5Virginia Hill, Yves RobergeA Locally Determined Verb TypologyRRL, LI (1), 5-222006pdf
182Ion Gheție, Mirela Teodorescu (ed.)Psaltirea HurmuzakiEditura Academiei2005
21Gabriela Pană DindeleganRegimul sintactic al verbelor în limba română vecheSCL, XIX (3), 2651968
196Viorica Pamfil (ed.)Palia de la Orăştie (1581-1582)
Text, facsimile, indice
Editura Academiei1968

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