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Scurtă privire asupra infinitivului în limba română actuală

Publication: Analele Universității de Vest din Timișoara. Seria Științe Filologice, LI-LII, p. 19
Publisher:Editura Universității de Vest
Abstract:[A Brief Analysis of the Infinitive in Contemporary Romanian Language] The Infinitive has represented from the very beginning and continues to represent even today an extremely debated issue not only in Romanian, but also in foreign language studies, due to the multiple aspects it has or employs. The usage of the Infinitive in Latin has been retained, one way or another, in most Romance languages. However, this does not happen to the same extent, regarding its frequency, in each of these languages. Thus, unlike Romance Western languages, where the syntactic usage of the Infinitive has been considerably enriched, Romanian has reduced the role of the Infinitive in its system, replacing it very often with the Conjunctive (sometimes even with the Gerund), a tendency that has brought Romanian closer to Balkan languages, such as Neo-Greek, Albanian, Bulgarian and Serbo-Croatian, which, apparently, have influenced it in this way. There cannot be an equivalence or concordance between the Infinitive and the Conjunctive. The phenomenon of competition is a living phenomenon that has not been brought to a closure yet, which illustrates the complex relation between langue and parole and also sets the norm as an intermediate level between the two facets of language. In order to draw a picture of the situation of the Infinitive in the contemporary Romanian language, we have conducted a survey on papers of literature, philosophy, science, paremiology, administration and journalism. The conclusion we have reached is that in combination with the syntactic semi-auxiliary a putea, the predominance of the Infinitive is overwhelming in comparison with the occurrence of the Conjunctive in the same situations.
Key words:Infinitive/Conjunctive, survey, influence, language, current literary language
Language: Romanian

Citations to this publication: 0

References in this publication: 10

64Marius SalaDe la latină la românăUnivers Enciclopedic; Pro Universitaria1998, 2006; 2012
228Gheorghe IvănescuIstoria limbii româneEditura Junimea1980; 2000
78Alexandru GraurTendințele actuale ale limbii româneEditura Științifică1968
61Alexandru NiculescuIndividualitatea limbii române între limbile romanice
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Editura Științifică1965
11Magdalena VulpeRepartiția geografică a construcțiilor cu infinitivul și cu conjunctivul în limba romînăFD, V, 1231963
2Ana CanaracheFolosirea infinitivului lungLR, XI (3), 3141962
36Iorgu IordanLingvistica romanică
Evoluție, curente, metode
Editura Academiei1962
3Dumitru CopceagDespre înlocuirea infinitivului prin forme personale în graiurile romînești și sud-italieneSCL, XII (3), 3611961
230Sextil PușcariuLimba română
I. Privire generală
Fundația pentru Literatură și Artă1940; 1976
208Ovid DensusianuIstoria limbii române
II. Secolul al XVI-lea
Ernest Leroux; J. Byck1938; 1961

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