Title: | Un hapax legomenon în textele lui Antim Ivireanul: corhor |
Author: | Adina Chirilă |
Publication: | Limba română, LXII (4), Section Filologie, p. 506-511 |
p-ISSN: | 0024-3523 |
Publisher: | Editura Academiei |
Place: | București |
Year: | 2013 |
Abstract: | During his activity in Wallachia, the Greek culture and language were the most natural sources of inspiration and lexical borrowing for Antim Ivireanul, considering his life and cultural acquisition up to the moment of his arrival to this country, from Constantinople, at the age of 40. Our paper discusses the appearance of corhor, n., in the Afterword written by Antim Ivireanul to the Greek-Romanian Gospel, Bucharest, 1693, the word’s etymology and also its general and special meaning. The term is of Greek origin: κόρχορος, -ον “herbe sauvage que l’on mangeait comme légume” (A. Bailly), “a wild plant of bitter taste” (H.G. Liddell, R. Scott), Anagallis arvensis, L. (Rom. scânteiuţă, Engl. pimpernel). However, Antim does not use the term with its denotative meaning; in his text, corhor is the first compound of ca şi corhorul între alte verdeaţe – an expression that translates the Greek idiom κόρχορος ἐν λαχάνοις, „Corchorus inter olera”, which applies to common people, lacking any merits, who are aspiring to honors they do not deserve (cf. Engl. a tailor among kings and the dawcock sits among the doctors). The meaning of the expression serves Antim Ivireanul’s purpose in constructing the rhetorical sequence of modesty. |
Key words: |
Language: | Romanian |
Links: | pdf html |
Citations to this publication: 1
1 | Florin Sterian | Bibliografia românească de lingvistică (BRL, 57, 2014). Lucrări de lingvistică apărute în țara noastră în cursul anului 2014 | LR, LXIV (2), 183 | 2015 |
References in this publication: 9
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2 | Adina Chirilă | Împrumuturi latino-romanice şi greceşti în “Dihaniile” mitropolitului Antim Ivireanul | AOU, XV, 57-66 | 2004 | pdf html |
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100 | A. Bailly | Dictionnaire grec-français | Hachette | 1950; 1996; 2000 | |
87 | Ioan Bianu, Nerva Hodoș, Dan Simionescu | Bibliografia românească veche (BRV) I. 1508–1716; II. 1716–1808; III. 1809–1830; IV. Adăogiri și îndreptări | Atelierele Grafice „Socec & Co.”; Tipo Moldova | 1903, 1910, 1912–1936, 1944; 2012 | |
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