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L’accord du participe passé en ancien roumain

Publication: Linguistica Atlantica, 33 (2), p. 38-51
Thematic volume: Old Romanian: Diachronic syntax and semantics
Publisher:Atlantic Provinces Linguistic Association
Abstract:This paper is a descriptive investigation of past participle agreement in Old Romanian. It is shown that the passive past participle constantly agreed with the subject; in contrast, the past participle serving as a tense/mood formative showed agreement variations, unlike in Modern Romanian, where it is invariable. Variation occurs when the auxiliary is ‘be’, with transitive verbs (when there is no possible confusion with the passive construction), and with unaccusative verbs (which do not allow passivization and consequently agreement cannot led to confusions). The agreement of the formative past participle has been lost in standard Modern Romanian but it is still attested in certain regional varieties, either with the auxiliary ‘be’ or with the auxiliary ‘have’. Special constructions (i.e. past participle agreement with the direct object, the past participle with the ending , the ‘fake’ agreement of the past participle) are also taken into consideration. The paper underlines, on the one hand, the differences between Old Romanian and Modern Romanian and, on the other hand, the differences and similarities between (Old and Modern) Romanian and other Romance languages.
Key words:Old Romanian, past participle, agreement, auxiliary ‘be’
Language: English

Citations to this publication: 3

4Alexandru NicolaeWord Order and Parameter Change in Romanian
A Comparative Romance Perspective
Oxford University Press2019
7Gabriela Pană Dindelegan (ed.)Sintaxa limbii române vechiUnivers Enciclopedic Gold2019
85Gabriela Pană Dindelegan (ed.)The Syntax of Old RomanianOxford University Press2016

References in this publication: 17

13Adam LedgewayRomance Auxiliary Selection in Light of Romanian EvidenceDVR, 3-342015
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8Adina Dragomirescu, Alexandru NicolaeUrme ale selecţiei auxiliarului de perfect compus în românăDimitrescu – Niculescu, I, 3382013
5Gabriela Pană Dindelegan, Carmen Mîrzea VasilePe marginea unei construcții vechi și populare: «(mi-)a fost dat (să ...)». Cu referire la limba vecheMarin, 377-3832013
4Natalya I. StolovaSplit Intransitivity in Old Spanish: Irrealis and Negation FactorsRRL, LI (2), 301-3202006pdf
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10Maria MarinMorfologia verbului în graiurile munteneștiFD, X, 451991
72Mihail Moxa; G. Mihăilă (ed.)Cronica universalăEditura Minerva1989
63Ion CoteanuGramatica de bază a limbii româneAlbatros; Garamond1982; 1993, 1995
185Mariana Costinescu (ed.)Codicele VoronețeanEditura Minerva1981
200Gheorghe Chivu, Magdalena Georgescu, Magdalena Ioniță, Alexandru Mareș, Alexandra Roman Moraru (ed.)Documente și însemnări românești din secolul al XVI-leaEditura Academiei1979
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208Ovid DensusianuIstoria limbii române
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