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Split Intransitivity in Old Spanish: Irrealis and Negation Factors

Publication: Revue roumaine de linguistique, LI (2), p. 301-320
Publisher:Editura Academiei
Abstract:The present study assesses the role of modal factors of irrealis and negation in the distribution between BE and HAVE with Old Spanish intransitive verbs. Traditionally, the choice between these two auxiliaries in Medieval Spanish has been studied as a reflection of the lexical aspect or as a function of the perceived (in)transitivity of the construction. By analyzing the data gathered from the 13th-century portion of the Corpus del Español, this article demonstrates that the rate at which the intransitive compound pasts marked as [+irrealis] or [+negation] take the auxiliary HAVE is almost twice as high as the average. This finding suggests that modality should be considered as a factor when it comes to the Medieval Spanish split intransitivity. In addition, it places Old Spanish together with the other Romance varieties like Old French, Old Neapolitan and Old Sicilian whose auxiliary selection is sensitive to the irrealis and negation parameters.
Language: English

Citations to this publication: 4

13Adam LedgewayRomance Auxiliary Selection in Light of Romanian EvidenceDVR, 3-342015
3Adina DragomirescuL’accord du participe passé en ancien roumainLA, 33 (2), 38-512014pdf
52Adam Ledgeway
  • From Latin to Romance
    Morphosyntactic Typology and Change
  • De la latină la limbile romanice
    Schimbare morfosintactică și tipologică
Oxford University Press; Editura Univers Enciclopedic Gold2012; 2017
33Adina DragomirescuErgativitatea: tipologie, sintaxă, semanticăEditura Universității din București2010

References in this publication: 1

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