Caietele Sextil Pușcariu, I, Section Lingvistică și filologie, p. 87 Actele Conferinței Internaționale „Zilele Sextil Pușcariu”, Ediția I, Cluj-Napoca, 12–13 septembrie 2013
Editori: Eugen Pavel, Nicolae Mocanu; Coperta: Călin Stegerean; Layout: Nicolae Mocanu
Tiparul a fost finanțat de Asociația Culturală „Text și discurs religios” din Iași
Editura Scriptor; Editura Argonaut
The author analyzes the phonetic, morphological, syntactic and lexical distinctive features that the two dialectal items belonging to the Dacoromanian language spoken in Muntenia and Crişana have in common, whereas the cited regions era two geographic opposites. The discussed distinctive features refer either to ancient and archaic items or to features of uncertain value or to linguistic innovation facts. Because there are still nowadays attestations of archaic facts in the language varieties spoken in Muntenia, our first conclusion leads to the statement that the southcentral region of Muntenia has to be considered as a conservative linguistic area. Our second conclusion consists of the idea that the innovative common features represent adequate examples of the independent evolution known by certain tendencies that occured during the history of Rumanian: these tendencies were not maintained by the standard level of Rumanian, but they were amplified by the lateral areas of the Dacoromania.
Key words:
arhaism, arie dialectală, grai, inovaţie lingvistică, u final
archaic facts, dialectal area, dialectal variety, linguistic innovation, the final silent u
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Journal “Diacronia” ISSN: 2393-1140 Frequency: 2 issues / year