Baza de date „Diacronia” (BDD)

La problématique du genre. Quelques aspects théoriques. Les études basées sur le genre

Publicația: Analele Universității „Ovidius” din Constanța. Seria Filologie, XXVII (2), p. 563
In honorem Petre Gheorghe Bârlea. Omagiu domnului Profesor universitar doctor Petre Gheorghe Bârlea la 65 de ani
Număr coordonat de Mioara Codleanu și Florentina Nicolae
Editura:Ovidius University Press
Rezumat:This article offers an overview of the concept of “genre” as it appears mainly in studies of folklore, rhetoric, literary theory and linguistics. The studies of literary theory with Bakhtin distinguish between primary and secondary genres. They take into account the four aspects of the genre: collective and social aspects; formal reality; the mediating function and the indissoluble link with its linguistic reality. In linguistics Hymes affirms the fact that “Genres often coincide with speech events”. Martin distinguishes between genres and registers. For Bronckart and Stroumza the texts have three indexations: referential indexing (what type of activity does the text comment?); communication indexation (What is the kind of social interaction in which this comment is made?); cultural indexation (what is the ‘socially added value’ of a kind of text, as an effect of the mechanisms and stakes of power that organize the ‘fields of production’? – cf. Bourdieu 1980). In an eclectic way, we try to find an answer at the definitional and taxonomic problems of genre.
Cuvinte-cheie:genre, folklore, rhetoric, literary theory, linguistics
Limba: franceză

Citări la această publicație: 1

Referințe în această publicație: 1

18Solomon MarcusPoetica matematicăEditura Academiei1970

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