Baza de date „Diacronia” (BDD)

Aspecte ale teologiei, ca interfaţă între religie şi literatură, în spaţiul românesc postbelic

Publicația: Text şi discurs religios, III, Secțiunea Literatura și sacrul, p. 531-541
Editura:Editura Universităţii „Alexandru Ioan Cuza”
Rezumat:Viewed in a strictly literal sense, as a science of God, theology is much more than that, it is a super-science, forasmuch God cannot be talked about, but only in absolute terms. On the other hand, as a mutation in paradigm of modern contemporary science, true science presumes conscience. Having a religious function and being used by its kerygmatic and soteriological character, theology could imply literature towards to a well specified purpose, investing it with a certain power. The post-war context, marked by communist ideology, but still under the sign of interwar modern cultural influence, had established a certain status of theology and literature, first of all subversive. To those periods were specified prisons and censorship policy, compromises with communist regime. If theological messengers are to reproach for a lack of integrator visions of values to incorporate a historical conscience, have existed, however, voices between theologians, with a large opening to debate ideas, as Teodor M. Popescu, Dumitru Staniloaie and, even if he was later spotted, André Scrima. Other theologians expressed their religious beliefs, using a profound theological literary writings.
Limba: română

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