Baza de date „Diacronia” (BDD)

Une dystopie balkanique-universelle – Miroslav Krleža, Banquet en Blithuanie

Publicația: Philologica Jassyensia, IX (1), p. 155-162
Editura:Institutul de Filologie Română „A. Philippide”
Rezumat:The paper A Balkan-Universal dystopia – Miroslav Krleža, Banquet in Blithuania analyzes an imaginary demonstrative space, the Blithuania, speaking about the dictator typology and about the dictatorship in tonalities of political satire. The novel-essay Banquet in Blithuania by the Croatian writer Miroslav Krleža is the last part of the trilogy of the human condition (moral, esthetical); the two others – The Return of Philip Latinovicz (the status of the total artist) and On the Edge of Reason (the moral condition of the artist suffocated by the social hypocrisy). The signification of the title sends to an anthropological symbolization of the word ‘banquet’, because it’s not about the conviviality, but about a perpetual ritual of dominance in the power field, supposing an abhorrence for liberty, for individual choices, for broadmindedness. The imaginary space built by the Croatian writer transcends a geographical space, curdling the Balkans, the Central Europe and the Occident.
Cuvinte-cheie:Croatian literature, dictatorship, imaginary space, satire, politics, conviviality/dominance
Limba: franceză

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