Title: | Aspecte ale graiului din localitatea Caila, jud. Bistriţa-Năsăud |
Author: | Nicolae Felecan |
Publication: | Lucrările celui de-al XIV-lea Simpozion Internațional de Dialectologie, p. 158 |
ISBN: | 978-973-109-354-3 |
Editors: | Nicolae Mocanu, Dumitru Loșonți, Eugen Beltechi |
Publisher: | Argonaut, Scriptor |
Place: | Cluj-Napoca |
Year: | 2012 |
Abstract: | The present paper aims at highlighting the existence of a number of peculiarities within a given dialectal area. To illustrate these characteristics, the author has chosen the village of Caila, situated in Bistriţa-Năsăud county, which pertains to the so-called „subdialect of Bistrița” („grai bistrițean”) that displays the features of the northeastern Transylvanian subdialects. The author does not reproduce the features of this small linguistic space, as they have already been presented in numerous specialized studies (mentioned in the footnotes); however, he provides a comprehensive list of words used in the village, organized from an etymological perspective: 2.1. Inherited words, 2.2. Hungarian words, 2.3. German words, 2.4. Slavic words, 2.5. Other words, whose etymology is uncertain. Naturally, the lists do not exhaust the entire inventory of Hungarian, German, and Slavic elements in the speakers’ vocabulary, but they do confirm the abundance of lexical elements taken from the peoples they have been in contact with (in one way or another). I also draw attention to the fact that the village of Caila is situated in an area where its east and south-east neighbours used to be compact German localities – Sigmir, Bistrița, Beșineu (now known as Viișoara), Iad (today’s Livezile), Aldorf (nowadays Unirea), Tărpiu, Dumitra –, whereas to the north and to the west, there are villages whose population largely consists of Hungarians: Şintereag, Şieu-Sfântu. The Slavic elements are less consistent, most of them being of Old Slavic origin and, therefore, enjoying a more general usage. |
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Language: | Romanian |
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