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Numele proprii trebuie traduse? Dacă da, cum? Cazul numelor oficiale de state

Publication: Numele și numirea. Actele Conferinței Internaționale de Onomastică. Ediția I: Interferențe multietnice în antroponimie, p. 527
Editors:Oliviu Felecan
Publisher:Editura Mega
Abstract:[Should proper names be translated? If so, how? The case of official state names]
This study illustrates the above-mentioned problem with the situation of official names of states in Romanian that display the structure “noun designating the form of government + proper noun”. In most of these cases, the proper name is in the nominative, but sometimes it is in the genitive; there exists only one case in which the name is introduced by the preposition de (‘of’). In the languages of origin, most Romanian names correspond to direct or prepositional constructions. In conclusion, this paper suggests that all official names of states should be aligned with the canonical construction in Romanian, using the nominative.
Key words:appellation genitive, proper names, Romanian, state names, translation
Language: Romanian

Citations to this publication: 3

References in this publication: 1

30Michel BallardNumele proprii în traducereEditura Universității de Vest2011

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