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La contribution de l’élément français à la formation de la terminologie roumaine désignant l’énergie électrique et ses applications aux XVIIIe et XIXe siècles

Publication: Atelier de traduction, 14, p. 275
Publisher:Editura Universităţii din Suceava
Abstract:In this study we refer to a period of approximately two centuries in the history of the Romanian language, marked by success but also by difficulties, taking account of the field we approached in this article. We present the situation of the Romanian language for the old period and the period 1780 – 1860, with regard to the emergence and use of the first elements belonging to special vocabularies, and the initiation of the terminologies differentiated on fields and sciences. We consider the context of the advent and development of power applications and the beginnings of technical education in Romanian Principalities. We also examine the evolution of the electrical power terminology and its use, from 1860 until the beginning of the current stage of the Romanian language (around 1900). To this end, we analyzed a corpus formed by specialized lexical elements pertaining to this terminology, which was selected from several lexicographical sources, and systematise it according to etymological and semantic criteria. We finish with a series of conclusions, followed by a list of initials used throughout this study.
Key words:terminology, electrical power, power applications, special vocabulary, calque, neologism, etymology
Language: French

Citations to this publication: 0

References in this publication: 6

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94Ștefan Munteanu, Vasile D. ȚâraIstoria limbii române literare
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21Teodor StamatiDisionăraşu românescu de cuvinte tehnice şi altele greu de înţelesuTipografia Buciumului Român1851; 1856

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