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Direct and secondary object ditransitive structures in Old Romanian

Publication: Linguistica Atlantica, 33 (2), p. 25-37
Thematic volume: Old Romanian: Diachronic syntax and semantics
Publisher:Atlantic Provinces Linguistic Association
Abstract:In the present article we investigate the ditransitive syntactic construction involving a [+animate] direct object and a [-animate] secondary object. The configuration, which was inherited from Latin, distinguishes Romanian from the other Romance languages, in which the corresponding pattern involves an indirect and a direct object. In Old Romanian, the pattern is well represented, being encountered in all types of texts. The configuration is examined in the following areas: the verbs that allow for it; the realizations of the secondary object; its particularities in Old Romanian texts.
Key words:Old Romanian, ditransitive verbs, direct object, secondary object
Language: English

Citations to this publication: 5

0Imola-Ágnes FarkasTradiţie şi inovaţie în Biblia de la Bucureşti (1688) şi Biblia de la Blaj (1795): construcţii cu complement internSCL, LXXII (1), 71-962021pdf
0Imola-Ágnes Farkas
  • Diacronia construcției cu complement intern în română și maghiară
  • The diachrony of the cognate object construction in Romanian and Hungarian
Diacronia, 12, A1702020pdf.ro
7Gabriela Pană Dindelegan (ed.)Sintaxa limbii române vechiUnivers Enciclopedic Gold2019
85Gabriela Pană Dindelegan (ed.)The Syntax of Old RomanianOxford University Press2016
5Gabriela Pană DindeleganVariaţie în construcţia verbului în româna vecheDiacronie–sincronie, I, 1552014pdf

References in this publication: 7

57Mădălina Ungureanu (ed.)Dosoftei – Parimiile preste an, Iaşi, 1683Editura Universităţii „Alexandru Ioan Cuza”2012
86Vasile Arvinte, Ioan Caproşu, Alexandru Gafton (ed.)Palia de la Orăştie (1582)
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17Vasile ArvinteNormele limbii literare în Biblia de la București (1688)Editura Universităţii „Alexandru Ioan Cuza”2004
138Gheorghe Chivu (ed.)Codex Sturdzanus
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Editura Academiei1993
72Mihail Moxa; G. Mihăilă (ed.)Cronica universalăEditura Minerva1989
200Gheorghe Chivu, Magdalena Georgescu, Magdalena Ioniță, Alexandru Mareș, Alexandra Roman Moraru (ed.)Documente și însemnări românești din secolul al XVI-leaEditura Academiei1979
90I. Rizescu (ed.)Pravila ritorului LucaciEditura Academiei1971

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