Title: | Evoluția limbii în textele lui Antim Ivireanul. Observații asupra vocalismului |
Author: | Adina Chirilă |
Publication: | Text şi discurs religios, I, Section Traducerea textului sacru, p. 213-221 |
p-ISSN: | 2066-4818 |
e-ISSN: | 2393-3402 |
Publisher: | Editura Universităţii „Alexandru Ioan Cuza” |
Place: | Iași |
Year: | 2009 |
Abstract: | Our paper deals with the problem of the vocalic alternations in the texts of Antim Ivireanul, that could prove an evolution of the language he used, from the early years of his activity (1693-1694), to the last ones (1710-1715). We focused on the fallowing pairs: [e] – [i] in beserică – biserică, [e] – [i] in words like ceti – citi, inemă – inimă, etc., [e] – [i] in den, pren, etc., [¯a] – [¯e] in words like biruiaşte, grăiaşte, iaste, etc., and [i]-[i] – [i] in priimi – primi. We ascribed the linguistic material to what was generally considered to be literary or popular phonetic forms at the end of the XVIIth century and the beginning of the XVIIIth, especially in Muntenia. Based on what we had observed in several texts of Antim Ivireanul, we reached the following conclusions:The texts Antim Ivireanul wrote or translated during his first years of activity respect the vocalic literary norm, in its religious aspect, more than the later ones.The digressions from the literary norm are represented by popular phonetic elements which tend to appear more and more in secular writings, at that time.Because of the constant and sometimes almost exclusive presence of such digressions in the texts of Antim Ivireanul and in other contemporary literary texts, one should reconsider, in some cases, their quality as „popular” phonetic elements. |
Language: | Romanian |
Links: | pdf html |
Citations to this publication: 3
3 | Adina Chirilă | Limba scrierilor lui Antim Ivireanul Partea I. Fonetica. Morfologia | Editura Universităţii „Alexandru Ioan Cuza” | 2014 | html |
0 | Roxana Vieru | Fenomene fonetice în Evanghelia (1697) lui Antim Ivireanul | EITM, 5, 373-381 | 2013 | pdf html |
2 | Adina Chirilă | Evoluția limbii în textele lui Antim Ivireanul. (II) Consonantismul | AUT, XLVIII, 118 | 2010 | pdf html |
References in this publication: 5
11 | Laura Manea | Dosoftei, Viața și petreacerea svinților Studiu lingvistic, partea I | Editura Universității „Alexandru Ioan Cuza” | 2006 | html |
199 | Ion Gheție (coord.) | Istoria limbii române literare Epoca veche (1532–1780) | Editura Academiei | 1997 | |
88 | Vasile Arvinte, Ioan Caproșu (coord.) | Monumenta Linguae Dacoromanorum. Biblia de la 1688. Pars I: Genesis | Editura Universității „Alexandru Ioan Cuza” | 1988 | |
94 | Ștefan Munteanu, Vasile D. Țâra | Istoria limbii române literare Privire generală | Editura Didactică și Pedagogică | 1983 | |
180 | Ion Gheție | Baza dialectală a românei literare | Editura Academiei | 1975 |
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