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Nominalizarea și implicațiile relaționale (cu aplicare la elementul predicativ suplimentar)

Publication: Dacoromania. Serie nouă, XI-XII, p. 187
Publisher:Editura Academiei
Abstract:[Nominalization and relational implications (applied to the predicative adjunct] Analyzing the typology of the constructions with predicative adjunct from the point of view of the syntactic operations involved in derivation, the author points out another way of construing a predicative adjunct: the nominalization of the conditioning term – the verb, in the “prime” derived structure. Though the compulsory syntactic operations – the transgression of the subject in the “prime” derived structure into the “secondary” derived structure” on the position of an attribute and the nominalized conditioning term that becomes a subject in the secondary derived structure – do not lead to a different syntactic function, they involve different nominal subordination means in the Romanian language system: the secondary non-flexion and the secondary case non-flexion.
Language: Romanian

Citations to this publication: 2

References in this publication: 6

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100G. G. NeamțuTeoria și practica analizei gramaticale
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138D. D. DrașoveanuTeze și antiteze în sintaxa limbii româneClusium1997
9G. G. NeamțuUn nominativ prodativalCL, XXVII (1), 551982
8D. D. DrașoveanuDespre elementul predicativ suplimentarCL, XII (2), 2351967

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