Diacronia 15, September 26, 2022, art. A205 (p. 1–7)

Phonetic and lexico-morphological particularities of Homeric poems in Turkish versions

Icbal Anefi


Faculty of Letters, “Ovidius” University, Aleea Universității 1, 900472 Constanța, Romania


Received November 30, 2021
Accepted December 8, 2021
Published September 26, 2022

Key words

Homeric poems
inflected language
agglutinative language
phono-morphological particularities
lexico-semantic structures


The following pages are a sample of possible directions for analysing translations from an ancient and very special language – the Homeric Greek – into a modern language. Even if the two languages are genealogically and typologically related, any translation, naturally, is a challenge in terms of mentality and the linguistic approach. When differences imposed by the genealogical and structural-typological criterion interfere between the two languages brought into cultural contact, the difficulties in rendering the original text increase very much. However, the new versions may be very well done, because, as it is known, any natural language has compensating virtues for rendering particularities in the source language.

The corpus of texts selected for our little excursion into the diachrony of Turkish translations from the Iliad and the Odyssey has been extracted from the most representative Turkish version, “Erhat-Kadir”. In order to render the texts in Romanian, we have used the best-known version in this cultural-linguistic area, the “Murnu version”.


  • Full text (in English; 7 p., 110 KB)
  • One reference and 0 citations in BDD
  • Export citation
    Text:Anefi, I. (2022). Phonetic and lexico-morphological particularities of Homeric poems in Turkish versions, Diacronia 15 (September 26), A205 (1–7),
     author = {Icbal Anefi},
     title = {Phonetic and lexico-morphological particularities of Homeric poems in Turkish versions},
     journal = {Diacronia},
     ISSN = {2393-1140},
     year = {2022},
     month = {September},
     number = {15},
     eid = {A205},
     doi = {},
     pages = "(1–7)",
     url = {}


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