Title: | Anglicisms in Romanian explanatory dictionaries |
Author: | Vlad Preda |
Publication: | The Proceedings of the International Conference Globalization, Intercultural Dialogue and National Identity. Section: Language and Discourse, 1, p. 463-470 |
ISBN: | 978-606-93691-3-5 |
Editors: | Iulian Boldea |
Publisher: | Arhipelag XXI Press |
Place: | Tîrgu-Mureş |
Year: | 2014 |
Abstract: | We have commented on the way Anglicisms are recorded in two Romanian dictionaries, DEX and DEXI, and suggested several solutions for a systematization of the information contained by the lexicographical entry. We have referred to way Anglicisms are selected, while highlighting the absence, in the dictionaries, of certain frequently used Anglicisms. |
Key words: | Anglicism, norm, orthographical, orthoepic, adaptation |
Language: | Romanian |
Links: | pdf html |
Citations to this publication: 0
References in this publication: 7
5 | Liliana Florina Cojocaru Andronache | Dinamica adaptării grafice a anglicismelor în presa românească şi italiană | Direcții, II, 7 | 2012 | |
4 | Liliana Florina Cojocaru Andronache | Asimilarea categoriei de gen a anglicismelor în limbile română şi italiană | Controverse, I, 231 | 2010 | |
3 | Emanuela Dima | Vocabularul neologic românesc. Dificultăți de normare | SIL1, 173 | 2008 | |
2 | Anca Florea | Formaţii adjectivale recente - încadrare morfologică | Dindelegan | 2007 | |
3 | Manuela Nevaci | Anglicisme în publicații adresate tinerilor | Aspecte, II | 2003 | pdf html |
4 | Monica Ardeleanu Cruceru | Comportamentul morfologic al termenilor din domeniul informaticii | Aspecte, II | 2003 | pdf html |
198 | Adriana Stoichițoiu-Ichim | Vocabularul limbii române actuale Dinamică, influenţe, creativitate | All | 2001; 2005; 2007; 2008 |
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