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Cazurile gramaticale românești – perspectiva G. G. Neamțu

Publication: Înspre şi dinspre Cluj : contribuţii lingvistice : omagiu profesorului G. G. Neamţu la 70 de ani, p. 263-273
Editors:Ionuț Pomian, Nicolae Mocanu
Abstract:[Romanian grammatical cases – G. G. Neamțu’s perspective]
The grammatical category of case, a universal feature of names, is common to all languages, but it is manifested differently from one group of languages to another, even from one idiom to another. The differences are caused by various factors, among which there is the specificity of arguments, that is, the syntactic relations and functions of nouns in utterances, the formal means of creating distinctions, the inventory of cases.
As regards Romanian, despite all the efforts that have been made to clarify these aspects, unanimously accepted results have yet to be obtained. In our opinion, the most widely used attempt at clarification belongs to Professor G.G. Neamțu. This paper aims at presenting his approach and the results achieved through its application.
Key words:
  • categoria gramaticală a cazului, funcţie sintactică, inventar de cazuri
  • the grammatical category of case, function of noun, inventory of cases
Language: Romanian

Citations to this publication: 0

References in this publication: 8

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3Carmen VladCategoria gramaticală a persoanei la substantivSCL, XXI (3), 2751970

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