Title: | Dezvoltări ale conceptului de culturem în lucrările traductologice românești |
Author: | Anda Rădulescu |
Publication: | Studii de traductologie românească. I. Discurs traductiv, discurs metatraductiv. In honorem professoris Ileana Oancea, p. 135-151 |
ISBN: | 978-973-125-525-5 |
Editors: | Georgiana Lungu-Badea, Nadia Obrocea |
Publisher: | Editura Universității de Vest |
Place: | Timișoara |
Year: | 2017 |
Abstract: | The current article proposes an epistemological approach to the concept of cultureme in the Romanian Translation Studies. It is a timely research given the existence of a certain looseness in the definition, usage, and particularly identification of culturemes in various types of oral or written texts. The analysis will offer a review of the definitions of the concept in several fields (computer studies, sociology, communications, cultural studies, translation studies, language teaching, linguistics), of the theories the concept is grounded in, and of the way in which it has been integrated in translation studies research in our country. |
Key words: | cultureme, cultural allusion, cultism, cultural information, cultural transfer |
Language: | Romanian |
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Citations to this publication: 0
References in this publication: 6
1 | Mioara Codleanu | „Scaunul Domnesc” ou de la polysemie divergente et des implications traductives | DICE, XII (2), 63 | 2015 | pdf html |
15 | Georgiana Lungu-Badea | Remarques sur le concept de culturème | Translationes, 1, 15-78 | 2009 | pdf html |
52 | Georgiana Lungu-Badea | Teoria culturemelor, teoria traducerii | Editura Universității de Vest | 2004 | |
49 | Georgiana Lungu-Badea | Mic dicţionar de termeni utilizaţi în teoria, practica şi didactica traducerii | Editura Orizonturi Universitare; Editura Universității de Vest | 2003; 2008, 2012 | |
2 | Georgiana Lungu-Badea | La problématique du transfert culturel | AUA, 4 (3) | 2003 | html |
2 | Mioara Codleanu | L’adaptation: Difficultes de delimitation d’un concept | AOU, XIII, 57-68 | 2002 | pdf html |
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