Title: | Terminologia descântatului în limba română |
Author: | Ioana Repciuc |
Publication: | Flores philologiae – omagiu profesorului Eugen Munteanu, la împlinirea vârstei de 60 de ani, Section Studii, p. 506-511 |
Editors: | Ana Catană-Spenchiu, Ioana Repciuc, Florin Faifer |
Publisher: | Editura Universității „Alexandru Ioan Cuza” |
Place: | Iași |
Year: | 2013 |
Abstract: | The different terms for magic practices used by the Romanian peasants were preserved until late in the 20th century, determining the first folklorists to wonder on their specific meanings. Nonetheless, the reality named by these different words was unitary enough on the whole territory inhabited by Romanians and often emphasized the positive, therapeutic side of magic. Therefore, the main and most spread word for verbal magic in Romanian was descantec, which is analysed here from the point of view of its possible Latin roots, and its Romance and Germanic synonymes. |
Key words: | Romanian magic, European charms, Latin origin, folklore, bewichment, unwichment |
Language: | Romanian |
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Citations to this publication: 1
1 | Florin Sterian | Bibliografia românească de lingvistică (BRL, 58, 2015). Lucrări de lingvistică apărute în țara noastră în cursul anului 2015 | LR, LXV (2), 181-333 | 2016 |
References in this publication: 5
95 | Eugen Munteanu | Lexicologie biblică românească | Humanitas | 2008 | html |
33 | Grigore Brâncuș | Istoria cuvintelor | Editura Fundaţiei România de mâine | 2004 | |
196 | Viorica Pamfil (ed.) | Palia de la Orăştie (1581-1582) Text, facsimile, indice | Editura Academiei | 1968 | |
168 | Tache Papahagi | Dicţionarul dialectului aromîn (general şi etimologic) | Editura Academiei | 1963; 1974 | |
73 | Lazăr Șăineanu | Încercare asupra semasiologiei limbii române Studii istorice despre transițiunea sensurilor | Tipografia Academiei Române; Editura de Vest | 1887; 1999 |
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