Diferenţierea lexicală vs disocierea semantică în practica lexicografică din perspectiva abordării semantico-etimologice. Cazul unităţilor lexicale păstură din dacoromână
[Lexical differentiation vs semantic dissociation in lexicographical practice from the perspective of the double semantic and etymological approach. The case of the Romanian păstură lexical items]
This paper analyzes the difficulties and oscillations in establishing several consistent, unitary and intelligible criteria for lexical differentiation in opposition to semantic dissociation (homonymy vs polysemy) both generally in semasiology and maybe even more necessarily in lexicographical practice. The individual case of the Romanian păstură lexical items obviously illustrates that in this controversial matter only the double semantic and etymological approach is mostly edifying.
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Journal “Diacronia” ISSN: 2393-1140 Frequency: 2 issues / year