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Numărul numeralului românesc, o categorie deictică D. 1. de tip lexico-semantic, și implicațiile sale în ceea ce privește acordul paradigmatic și sintagmatic

Publication: Studii de filologie in honorem Ștefan Găitănaru, p. 335
Editors:Liliana Soare, Adrian Sămărescu, Adina Dumitru
Publisher:Editura Universității din Pitești
Abstract:The aim of this paper is to analyze the lexical-semantic category of the Romanian numerals, in terms of its content, relying on the well-established deictic vs anaphoric category antagonism, with substantial inferences on the phenomenalizations of the grammatical agreement: paradigmatic agreement vs syntagmatic agreement. Our research results, materialized in the form of conclusions, highlight some aspects that are deemed to be generally characteristic for the Romanian numerals: on the one hand, number is a deictic category of a lexical-semantic type, which cannot agree either paradigmatically in the number of an Concorded Element (always noun) or syntagmatically in number of an Concorded Element, whatever the morphological values of the latter may be, noun or pronoun; on the other hand, the identity of number between the Romanian numerals and other lexical-grammatical classes, which updates this category to a grammatical category status, is supported from the point of view of a grammatical phenomenon known as a selection restriction in the neo-traditional relational Clujean syntax.
Key words:deictic category, anaphoric category, concorded element, concording element, grammatical paradigmatic agreement, grammatical syntagmatic agreement, selection restriction
Language: Romanian

Citations to this publication: 3

References in this publication: 7

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