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Participiul - termen condiționant al predicativului suplimentar

Publication: Dacoromania. Serie nouă, XIX (2), p. 133-140
Publisher:Editura Academiei
Abstract:The article discusses the participle as a conditioning term for the supplementary predicative. The first part of the study details the two contexts of the participle, variable and invariable, mainly shown according to the theories of the relational – neo-traditional grammar. In the rest of the study we inventoried the types of structures with supplementary predicative which have a participle as a conditioning term. Defining the conditioning term as a mediator of a syntactic relation between two terms (the regent term and the subordinate term) we establish that, from the relational point of view, there is no grammatically marked relationship between the conditioning term and the syntactic function it conditions. Thus, the participle in the studied structures is exterior to the relationship between the regent noun and the supplementary predicative as a subordinate term.
Key words:
  • flexiune cazuală, nonflexiune cazuală secundă, participiu, predicativ suplimentar, pro-caz, termen condiţionant, termen condiţionant de gradul al II-lea
  • case flexion, secondary non-flexion, participle, supplementary predicative, pro-case agreement, conditioning term, 2nd degree conditioning term
Language: Romanian

Citations to this publication: 1

References in this publication: 8

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21Ștefan HázyPredicativitatea
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