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Traduire les culturèmes. Domaine franco-roumain

Publication: Language and Literature – European Landmarks of Identity, 13, p. 378
Publisher:Universitatea din Pitești
Abstract:This scientific paper focuses on theoretical and practical aspects of the translation of culturemes. The objective of the study is to define the concept, to identify and to analyse the cultural expressions of the source language that can be transposed into the target language. The theoretical part of the study is based on the theory of translation, the definition of the concept and the translation strategies of the cultureme, while the practical part provides us with the analysis of some examples from Romanian and French literature.
Key words:traductology, culturemes, culture
Language: French

Citations to this publication: 0

References in this publication: 4

3Constantin TironTraduction et retraduction de l’oeuvre de Flaubert dans l’espace roumainAtel. Trad., 18, 912012pdf
4Raluca-Nicoleta BalațchiMadame Bovary en roumain ou un siècle de (re)traductionAtel. Trad., 17, 532012pdf
30Michel BallardNumele proprii în traducereEditura Universității de Vest2011
52Georgiana Lungu-BadeaTeoria culturemelor, teoria traduceriiEditura Universității de Vest2004

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