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Productivitatea unor elemente vechi greceşti comune limbilor balcanice

Publication: Analele Universității „Ovidius” din Constanța. Seria Filologie, XVI, p. 187-202
Publisher:Ovidius University Press
Abstract:In the article entitled The productivity of some old greek elements which are common to the Balkan languages I studied the capacity of some old greek elements to form , using specific prefixes and suffixes, new derived elements in the Balkan languages like the Albanian, the Bulgarian, the Serbian and the Romanian; I studied the productivity of elements like ’άγγελος, ‛αγιάσµα, ’αργάτης, δάσκαλος, καλόγερος, κάµατα, έλειψα, παιδαγογός, σχολή, χριστιανός, θεµέλιον, but I did not study the old greek elements with a reduced capacity of inversion and composition or elements with no such capacities.
Based on this criteria of the capacity of some old greek elements to form new derived elements in the Balkan languages, I have tried also to perform a classification of these languages.
Language: Romanian

Citations to this publication: 0

References in this publication: 8

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I. Originile
Ernest Leroux; J. Byck1901; 1961

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