Title: | L’infinitif introduit par de en roumain |
Author: | Isabela Nedelcu |
Publication: | Revue roumaine de linguistique, LVI (4), p. 403-419 |
p-ISSN: | 0035-3957 |
Publisher: | Editura Academiei |
Place: | București |
Year: | 2011 |
Abstract: | The author analyzes the status of de introducing the infinitive preceded by the inflectional marker a and, implicitly, the status of the sequence de a. The linguistic data beginning with the 16th century show that throughout history this sequence had a semantic and functional evolution similar to the sequence ca să, where să functions as the inflectional marker of the subjunctive. The parallel process of grammaticalization of the two sequences is based on the constant infinitive–subjunctive rivalry. The analysis of the different data present in Old Romanian also emphasizes the strong relationship between the infinitive and the supine. |
Language: | French |
Links: | pdf html |
Citations to this publication: 3
4 | Emanuela Timotin, Isabela Nedelcu | Stability and Innovation in the Use of the Infinitive in an 18th Century Translation from Italian into Romanian | DVR, 251-273 | 2015 | |
1 | Florin Sterian | Bibliografia românească de lingvistică (BRL, 55, 2012). Lucrări de lingvistică apărute în țara noastră în cursul anului 2012 | LR, LXII (3), 271-408 | 2013 | pdf html |
57 | Gheorghe Chivu, Gabriela Pană Dindelegan, Adina Dragomirescu, Isabela Nedelcu, Irina Nicula Paraschiv (ed.) | Studii de istorie a limbii române Morfosintaxa limbii literare în secolele al XIX-lea și al XX-lea | Editura Academiei | 2012, 2015 |
References in this publication: 9
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