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Despre numele lui Dumnezeu în limba română

Publication: Dacoromania. Serie nouă, XXI (1), p. 31
Publisher:Editura Academiei
Abstract:[On the names for Dumnezeu (God) in Romanian]
The article discusses names of sacred characters in the Holy scriptures, especially the name for the unique Divinity, God, in Romanian and in the other romance languages from the perspective of the Romanian christianism. The author refers first of all to the Romanic descendants of the Latin DEUS and DOMINUS (and its vocative DOMINE) presenting in detail their situation in Romanian, from the religious texts in the 16th century (the rhotacizing texts and Coresi’s printings) to their nowadays dialectal spreading, according to ALR (Romanian Linguistc Atlas): Dzeu (Dzău), Zo, Dumne(d)zeu, Dumne(d)zo, Domn(ul) (vocative Doamne) and concludes that, from this point of view too, the Romanian christianism seems to belong to an interference Greek-Latin area, so as “we remained, spiritually, Greek-Byzantine, but speaking a neo-Latin western language”.
Key words:
  • creştinism românesc, Deus, Dominus (Domine), Zău, Zo, Doamne
  • Romanian Christianism, Deus, Dominus (Domine), Zău, Zo, Doamne
Language: Romanian

Citations to this publication: 1

References in this publication: 13

182Ion Gheție, Mirela Teodorescu (ed.)Psaltirea HurmuzakiEditura Academiei2005
160Alexandru RosettiIstoria limbii române
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131Ion Gheție (coord.)Texte românești din secolul al XVI-lea
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185Mariana Costinescu (ed.)Codicele VoronețeanEditura Minerva1981
46Florica DimitrescuContribuţii la istoria limbii române vechiEditura Didactică și Pedagogică1973
58Emil Petrovici, L. Demény (ed.)Evangheliarul slavo-român de la Sibiu
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168Tache PapahagiDicţionarul dialectului aromîn
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244August ScribanDicționaru limbii românești
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Institutul de arte grafice „Presa bună”; Saeculum I.O.1939; 2013
1Emil PetroviciZo te custeDR, X (2), 3541938-1941pdf
1Ion PătruțA custa în graiul bănățeanDR, X (2), 3611938-1941pdf
170Wilhelm Meyer-LübkeRomanisches etymologisches Wörterbuch
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108I.-A. Candrea (ed.)Psaltirea Scheiană
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214Hariton TiktinRumänisch-deutsches WörterbuchImprimeria Statului; Otto Harrassowitz1903-1925; 1985-1988, 2001-2005

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