Title: | Opinii și soluții în cercetarea tradițională a elipsei |
Author: | Iulia Tămaș |
Publication: | Dacoromania. Serie nouă, XV (2), p. 150-164 |
p-ISSN: | 1582-4438 |
Publisher: | Editura Academiei |
Place: | Cluj-Napoca |
Year: | 2010 |
Abstract: | This article presents the grammatical ellipsis, the author debating the opinions and solutions which appear in the traditional grammarbooks, but also in the more recent linguistic studies. Being a peculiarity of the oral syntax which does not affect the informative content of the sentences, the ellipsis becomes a figure of speech when it gets expressive valences. The ellipsis is related to different phenomena of the absence: connotationm, omission, brevity and interruption (abeyance), altogether it is delimited by them. The transformational grammarbooks consider the ellipsis a rule which applied, leads to the disppearance of some elements from the surface structure, but they are recoverable in the depth surface. The ellipses may appear in the oral speech due to the fact that intonation, mimicry and gestures accompany the words, sometimes substituting them, but also due to the set of presuppositions that the speakers share among each other. In writing, the punctuation marks represent graphically that which in the oral speech is represented by the actual participation of the speakers. |
Language: | Romanian |
Links: | pdf html |
Citations to this publication: 2
0 | Lavinia Buda | Ellypsis or lexical-semantic condensation of certain anthroponyms | JRLS, 16, 717-723 | 2019 | pdf html |
0 | Sorin Gheorghe Suciu | Elipsă și context coşerian în Moşii lui Caragiale | EITM, 6, 254-262 | 2015 | pdf html |
References in this publication: 17
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