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Canonizarea în spațiul catolic – un spectacol filologic oferit de Vlad Boțulescu „iubitului cetitor”

Publication: Dacoromania. Serie nouă, XIX (1), Section Filologie. Limbă literară, p. 15
Publisher:Editura Academiei
Abstract:The article presents for the first time the Vlad Boţulescu’s Romanian translation of a text concerning the canonization of Saint Felix from Cantalice. It was kept in the same codex with The World Chronicle (ms. 68 ex-Brera 317 from the Archivio di Stato from Venice) though it was a different piece of work. The confruntation between the original italian book, Ristretto Della Vita, Miracoli, e Canonizzione di S. Felice de’ Porri da Cantalice Capuccino and the romanian version brought some conclusions about the manner of translating. We have observed that the romanian scholar kept some expressions in latin from the original, he gave the greek equivalent of some notions and concepts and preserved a lot of italian terms. All these aspects illustrate the difficulty to transpose in the Romanian language from 18th century a text coming from a different cultural area.
Key words:
  • Vlad Boțulescu, Sfântul Felice din Cantalice, secolul al XVIII-lea, italiană, latină, greacă
  • Vlad Boțulescu, Saint Felix from Cantalice, 18th century, Italian, Latin, Greek
Language: Romanian

Citations to this publication: 2

References in this publication: 3

3Cristina-Ioana DimaUn vocabulaire iroquois-roumain traduit au XVIIIe siècleRRL, LVII (3), 291-3032012pdf
83Gheorghe Chivu, Emanuela Buză, Alexandra Roman MoraruDicționarul împrumuturilor latino-romanice în limba română veche (1421–1760)Editura Științifică1992
64Mariana Costinescu, Magdalena Georgescu, Florentina ZgraonDicţionarul limbii române literare vechi
(1640-1780) Termeni regionali
Editura Științifică și Enciclopedică1987

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