Diacronia 10, November 7, 2019, art. A150 (p. 1–8)

Translanguaging strategies in describing the bi(multi)lingual profile of the novel Moarte în ținutul secuilor by Caius Dobrescu

Erika-Mária Tódor


Faculty of Economics, Socio-Human Sciences and Engineering, Sapientia University, Piața Libertății 1, 530104 Miercurea Ciuc, Romania


Received June 18, 2019
Accepted July 16, 2019
Published November 7, 2019

Key words

translingual discourse
transcultural communication
bi(multi)lingual profile
artistic process


The present paper focuses on two concepts of neighbouring disciplines within literary studies (translanguaging and character profiling), following how a linguistic approach emerges in the context of literature.

Translanguaging communication situations are typical for a bi- or multilingual linguistic behaviour and they result from a holistic approach to the speaker’s linguistic repertoire. The concept refers to the speaker’s complex and dynamic way of expression, which activates the linguistic resources most appropriate for the given context, exceeding the limits of the spoken languages. Analysing the ways of meaning creation in the case of the said novel, the paper will attempt to see how a certain linguistic phenomenon is activated by the art of the word as a means of character profiling and creating local colour. The heuristic approach of the investigation, once the key concepts have been explained, will trace the main forms of the creation of the translanguaging space, based on the analysis of the works written after the novel in question.


  • Full text (in English; 8 p., 134 KB)
  • 4 references and 0 citations in BDD
  • Export citation
    Text:Tódor, E. (2019). Translanguaging strategies in describing the bi(multi)lingual profile of the novel Moarte în ținutul secuilor by Caius Dobrescu, Diacronia 10 (November 7), A150 (1–8),
     author = {Erika-Mária Tódor},
     title = {Translanguaging strategies in describing the bi(multi)lingual profile of the novel Moarte în ținutul secuilor by Caius Dobrescu},
     journal = {Diacronia},
     ISSN = {2393-1140},
     year = {2019},
     month = {November},
     number = {10},
     eid = {A150},
     doi = {},
     pages = "(1–8)",
     url = {}


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