The plural ending –le and influences between the inflectional and the derivational morphology
“Iorgu Iordan – Al. Rosetti” Institute of Linguistics, Calea 13 Septembrie 13, 050711 Bucharest, Romania
Received May 24, 2017
Accepted July 4, 2017
Published September 30, 2017
Key words
inflectional morphology
derivational morphology
the ending –le
the suffix –ale
the suffix –ele
In this article we describe the situations in which the plural ending –le has a derivative value, creating feminine plural nouns. This ending is part of two suffixes used to derive plural nouns, –ale and –ele (both with complex suffixes). In some borrowed formations the suffixes were attached to the etymons in order to adapt them to the Romanian morphological system, while other formations were created in Romanian. Some neological formations with –ale were borrowed and they are analysable in Romanian. We present a list with the derivatives created with these suffixes (and the developed suffixes), based on several dictionaries: DA, DLR, DI, and MDA. In the article we make some remarks regarding the dating of these suffixes and formations, their productivity, the relation between the plural derivatives and the singular nouns (if there are any) and we describe some theoretical aspects.
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