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Le futur, le présomptif et le conditionnel dans le systhème verbal du roumain. Hypothèses et hypostases

Publication: Limba română: direcții actuale în cercetarea lingvistică. Actele celui de-al 11-lea Colocviu Internațional al Departamentului de Lingvistică, I, p. 199
Editors:Rodica Zafiu, Adina Dragomirescu, Alexandru Nicolae
Publisher:Editura Universității din București
Abstract:Our study focuses on the semantic and functional behaviour of the Conditional mood (abbreviated in this paper as COND) in modern and contemporary Romanian, starting with the theoretical model suggested by M. Squartini (2004) regarding the Romance languages. Besides the synchronic analysis, containing diachronic considerations, an important component of the paper is the intra-linguistic contrastive study between COND and other linguistic structures available in Romanian to express a possible action. Our stand is that in contemporary Romanian there is a weak semantic relationship between COND and the canonical future in spite of the diachronic evidence proving that between the 16th and the 17th centuries COND forms overlapped with future forms in those contexts rendering a genuine prospective meaning. Our hypothesis is that COND use was originally restricted to deictic occurrences simply to emphasize its modal values, which predominate in the modern and contemporary language. On the other hand, the future is gradually becoming a thoroughly organised system, since each constitutive paradigm (there are four in modern Romanian) has a corresponding specific value at the level of modal or temporal content.
Language: French

Citations to this publication: 2

References in this publication: 6

9Cecilia-Mihaela PopescuLa grammaticalisation du présomptif en roumainRRL, LIV (1-2), 151-1602009pdf
6Martine Coene, Liliane TasmowskiOn the Balkan-Slavic Origins of the Romanian ConditionalRRL, LI (2), 321-3402006pdf
396Valeria Guțu Romalo (coord.)GALR
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Editura Academiei2005; 2008
3Sanda Reinheimer Rîpeanu« Om trăi și om vedea »RRL, XXXIX (2), 1791994
3Sanda Reinheimer Rîpeanu« Ce-o fi, o fi »RRL, XXXIX (5-6), 5111994
6Mioara AvramCondiționalul cu valoare de indicativ trecut în texte vechi româneștiSCL, XXVII (4), 3531976

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